Welcome to the 2017-2018 Committee team:
President: Jude Liebmann
Vice President: Jenny Gibson
Secretary: Liz Williams
Treasurer: Bridget Harrison
Day Group Co-ordinator: Jenny Gibson
Librarian: Maryanne Laffan
Merchandise: Robyn Likos
Membership Secretary: Bridget Harrison
Workshops: Anne B
Retreat: Maryanne Laffan with support person Anne B
Night Gathering Co-ordinator - this new role will be established and a portfolio holder appointed in the next couple of months.
Social Media: Andrea Milne - Hall with support person Dellareece Matson
Newsletter: Andrea Milne - Hall
General members: Mareee M, Dianne West and Rhonda Coates
General members: Mareee M, Dianne West and Rhonda Coates
Congratulations to everyone and we are looking forward to a great new year.